Our Empowering Employment program is designed to support job seekers with disabilities along the path to employment by gaining real-world skills through a personalized approach. It is a safe space where every individual's path to employment is supported, valued, and nurtured — ultimately leading to meaningful career opportunities and successful work outcomes.

Learning how to express your needs is a key to success in work and life. We help you practice self-advocacy skills to speak up for yourself with confidence and feel empowered with the ability to collaborate with coworkers, solve problems easily, and contribute effectively to every team.
Topics We Cover:
- What is Self-Advocacy?
- Communication Skills
- Empowerment & Self-Care
- Teamwork & Contributions
- Problem Solving & Critical Thinking
- Leadership Skills
Participant Outcomes:
- Effectively communicate
- Resolve conflicts amenably
- Feel empowered about your skills
- Face failures gracefully & proactively
- Exhibit proper teamwork skills
- Problem solve on your own
- Display positive leadership qualities
Job Seeking Skills
Your path to the perfect job starts here: Learn how to network, research, apply, and impress with resumés and cover letters that shine. We’re your co-pilots from the first handshake to the celebratory new job announcement.
Topics We Cover:
- Networking
- Finding Jobs
- Applying to Jobs
- Crafting Resumés
- Writing Cover Letters
- Interviewing for Jobs
- Accepting a Job
Participant Outcomes:
- Understand and demonstrate professional attitudes and actions
- Have acceptable workplace relationships
- Communicate effectively through email
- Use social media appropriately and professionally
- Put together appropriate work attire
- Understand how to take care of yourself
- Manage your money
- Plan transportation
Workplace Readiness
Dress the part, embrace the culture, communicate with ease, and live independently. We cover everything you need to be successful in the workplace, from professional etiquette to transportation planning.
Topics We Cover:
- Professionalism & Dress
- Workplace Culture & Relationships
- Communication in the Workplace
- Social Media & Email Etiquette
- Independent Living Skills
Participant Outcomes:
- Effectively network within your community
- Search for jobs in proper places independently
- Fill out a job application
- Keep track of jobs you’ve applied to
- Make your own resume independently
- Write a professional cover letter
- Demonstrate professional level interview skills
- Make a plan for starting a new job
Begin your Journey Today
Contact us through the following form to sign up for or learn more about our Empowering Employment program.

Who can participate?
Joining is simple. There are 3 criteria for participation:
- Must have a disability
- Must be over 14 years of age
- Must be interested in learning more about employment
This is a grant-funded program, so having an open OOD or DODD case is not a requirement.
Caregiving Education & Support
Supporting a loved one with a disability is hard and rewarding work, and you need support too. Our Empowering Employment program includes a course for caregivers and families of program participants. You’re never alone in our Greenleaf community.
Topics We Cover:
- Navigating the Transition
- Getting to Know the
- Employment Team
- Work Incentives Planning Information
- Available Resources
Participant Outcomes:
- Connect with a network of understanding families and caregivers of participants to share experiences and learn from one another
- Understand how you can best support your participant in their journey to employment
- Help your participant through a smooth transition into employment
Participant Testimonial
“I was put in an environment where I was able to adapt without the fear of being pressured. Greenleaf helped me by making sure I have got it completed in the way that a particular task should be done. Greenleaf has helped me become less anxious and more ready to start my independence in the next job.”

So, tell us – where do you want to go from here?
Connect with our team to tell us how we can help you.